Thursday, 15 September 2016

Better questions to ask than What did you do at school today?

  1. Tell me about today's "thorn" (a not-great thing that happened) at school.
  2. Now tell me about the "rose" (the best thing that happened).
  3. Did anyone say something funny or tell a good joke?
  4. Was it a "play with your friends at playtime" kind of day? Or a "chill by yourself on the swings" kind of day?
  5. What kind of project are you working on?
  6. Tell me something that you learned today that I don't know. If you can stump me, I'll do a dance/read to you for an extra ten minutes/watch an entire Minecraft YouTube video with you/whatever.
  7. Tell me something kind that you did for someone today.
  8. Tell me something kind that someone else did for you.
  9. How many stars would you give your lunch today?
  10. Did your friends get along really well today?
  11. Tell me two things you learned today and one thing you didn't. I'll try to guess which one is a porkie.
  12. If you could do one thing all day, what would it be?
  13. If you were the teacher for the day, what's the first thing you would do?
  14. If you could switch classroom jobs with someone this week, who would it be?
  15. If you could interview the principal, what would you ask her?
  16. If we had a time machine that went back one day, would you change anything about today?
  17. If the librarian said you could keep one book forever, which one would it be?

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